Getting Copier Security

When you are getting a new office copier there are a lot of extra features to consider. One of the most important ones that you may be offered is extra copier security. Many people do not understand why this is important, but getting copier security is one on the best ways to make sure you are protected where you need it most.

Your office copier has a lot more data saved than you may realise. There is a hard drive inside your machine that keeps track of everything that happens in your machine. This includes every fax that’s been sent, copied image, printed page, or scanned item. All of these have a saved duplicate inside your hard drive that could be accesses.

It’s very important to make sure that you are protecting this data. Luckily, the best companies like Xerox are doing their part to make sure that you have the power to protect yourself with increased security features.


  • Encrypted PDF files for scanning
  • Hard drive encryption
  • User permissions
  • Network authentication
  • IP Filtering
  • Smart Cards
  • Secure printing
  • Track all activity


All of this and more and be used to ensure that your data is protected before you are hit with an attack. Do your part to make sure that your data is protected. Get copier security before it’s too late.